Friday, June 20, 2008

two in a row

This is a first.. two post in two days.. this is a record!! WEll.. i guess i need to update on Preston. He is so big. He will be 8 months old very next week. Time has gone so fast. He is growing up.. he looks like a little boy now!! He is teething and we are expecting that tooth to come through any day now.. you can see it.. Come on tooth.. I am ready for it and i know he is.. HE is trying so hard to crawl.. he is scooting everywhere. He gets up on all fours and rocks then scoots his back legs up.. so CUTE!!! he is so observant.. trying to figure out how everything works.. He loves being outside, he loves being around people (like his mom).. he loves being out and about... he may even love the mall!! good for me!! As some of you know we have concrete floors. We have been putting down blankets for him to play on and scoot around on.. well, we broke down.. today we are getting carpet.. only in two rooms, our living room and his room.. but it will make mom feel better when he falls over.. at least he wont be hitting the concrete floor!! yes we still have the "barn" up for sale but until we sell it we will try to make it more baby proof. We went swimming this week.. Preston loves the water.. so much fun.. we start swim lessons next week. Preston and i went to story time on wed. at the library in Ft. worth. it was fun.. i think it will be our weekly outing for sure...of course all this stuff like story time, swim lessons, etc is more for mom than preston at this point, but hey you gotta do what ya gotta do!!

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